Monday, May 27, 2024

Netanyahu will be sacrificed to save Biden's election campaign

My expectation when I watch Gaza news on Fox-CNN-MSNBC-CBS is that everything will be built around the “Israel is defending itself” narrative. No matter how many women and children suffer and die, Israel is defending itself. Let’s talk about 7 October instead. To get anywhere near the other side of the story you’d have to watch Al Jazeera. So imagine my shock when I put on CBS News 24 this morning and saw the same footage of the aftermath of a missile strike on a crowded refugee tent encampment in Raffa that I’d already seen on Al Jazeera. Rows of tents aflame, and the screams of mothers desperately fighting to save their children. This is a radical departure in how this war has been presented. The word “terrorist” didn’t come up. There was no reference to 7 October. No discussion of antisemitism on campus, and not so much as a nod in the direction of Israel’s right to defend itself. What’s going on? Here’s what’s going on. Genocide Joe has told Bibi many times, and very publicly, not to go into Raffa. Joe’s, and Uncle Sam’s cred more generally, have taken a beating since Joe won the oval office. First it was pictures of Afghan civilians dropping off fleeing USAF planes as they finally gave the country back to the Taliban. Then we were going to crush Russia’s economy, cripple Putin with sanctions, and give our Ukrainian flunkies whatever it takes for as long as it takes to finish Putin off once and for all on the battlefield. The entire world is watching America score one own goal after another. Until very recently, when Uncle Sam said “jump,” the world asked, “how high?” Now it’s just NATO and the EU who still jump, and even there you can sense things aren’t what they used to be. The rest of the world, ie the vast majority of it, sees Uncle Sam as a spent force, an Empire in decline. A hegemon who can be defied with impunity. And there’s Netanyahu, brazenly defying the President of the USA in front of the whole world! Here’s one last chance to grab back a little credibility on the world stage. Joe didn’t mind enabling the genocide that’s been unfolding over the last seven months, but dammit, if Bibi’s gonna make him look like a fool… goodbye Netanyahu. He was becoming a bit of a liability anyway. He may be the Greatest Leader since Moses, and a personal friend for decades, but all this genocide-war-crimes-ICC-ICJ talk gathers quite a putrid odor. When you’re going into an election it might be good to distance yourself from that, while also showing yourself a tough guy not to be trifled with. Having US networks show you unfiltered coverage of Bibi’s handiwork in Gaza is part of the move against him. He won’t be PM much longer.

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