Thursday, May 16, 2024

USA pushed Ukraine into a suicidal war and facilitates genocide in Gaza, so why do we think we're the good guys?

Putin and Xi had a love-in today in China. The Globe spun it as an increasingly isolated and desperate Putin sucking up to China. What I saw of the red carpet treatment the isolated Putin received in Beijing looked more like China sucking up to Putin. Russia isolated? Then how is there a Wikipedia page devoted to World leaders who have visited Moscow since Ukraine invasion? There’s about 40 world leaders on the list, including some from our NATO allies. NATO is more united and powerful (thanks to the addition of military heavyweights Finland and Sweden) than ever before, CBC and Globe &Mail incessantly remind us. So why are some heads of state of NATO allies making kissy-face with the evil dictator Putin? Seems to me, looking from a global perspective, the USA and its pathetic gang of camp followers are isolated way more than Bad Vlad is isolated. And how about that Gaza genocide that is by the day becoming more impossible to sweep under the rug? The CBC and the Globe are doing yeoman’s work trying to keep the focus on Jewish students feeling uncomfortable on university campuses where anti-genocide protests are ongoing. Most of the world seems to think ending a genocide-in-progress trumps the feelings of some Jewish students. And how about Ukraine!? Keep on rockin’ in the Free World, Blinky! Sorry we couldn’t follow through on all that “whatever it takes blah blah blah” shit Zelly, but what the hey, we gave you the tools and you fucked it up. But we’re still the good guys. Yes we, meaning Uncle Sam and his merry band of feckless acolytes, pushed Ukraine into a suicidal war with Russia, and continue to facilitate Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. But we’re the good guys.

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