Monday, July 29, 2024

F*ck Trudeau

If you live anywhere in Canada, you’ve seen those F*ck Trudeau flags everywhere. The asterisk is replaced by a maple leaf, but everybody knows nobody’s talking about fick, fack, or feck. Nope, they’re saying Fuck Fluffy! And why do so many Canadians have such strong feelings about our esteemed PM? Because the Canadians who fly those flags were grievously insulted when their Prime Minister declared they had unacceptable opinions. Yes, it’s a free country with free speech and all that good stuff, but when your government gifts you freedom of speech, you gotta know there’s some responsibilities that go along with that freedom. Responsibility #1 is never bite the hand that feeds you. Disparaging, mocking, or even questioning Dear Leader is strictly verboten. That’s why PM Fluffy invoked the War Measures Act. The name has been changed, but the purpose remains the same; impose war-time powers to stifle dissent and punish dissenters. And, clearly, Canada was deep into an existential war in early 2022. Dozens of big rigs had illegally parked in downtown Ottawa. Sometimes they tooted their horns at night, which caused extreme trauma to the work-from-home civil servants who were desperately hoping their next Zoom meeting wouldn’t be interrupted by a random truck toot. So, just like his Daddy invoked the War Measures Act, back in the day when FLQ terrorists were murdering foreign diplomats, to save our democracy, Justin was forced to impose the Emergency Act to spare those lap-top warriors the inconvenience of interrupted sleep. Thankfully, that egregious bit of over-reach raised enough eyebrows that eventually a public inquiry was held. Here are some of the headlines that ensued. From the CBC; Ottawa's use of Emergencies Act violated Charter. From the National Post; Invoking Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional. From the Globe & Mail; Invoking Emergencies Act wasn't justified and violated Charter rights, court rules. Even foreign news sites picked up on Fluffy’s dictatorial impulses. Here’s the Guardian; Judge rebukes Trudeau for use of Emergency Act. Do you detect a pattern in the reportage? This is some serious shit we’re dealing with. Violating the Charter? Unconstitutional? Those are the signs a democracy is slipping into fascism. Here’s my question. All those headlines came out in January of 2023. In the year and a half since, how much discussion have you seen in any of those media platforms about Canada’s drift towards totalitarianism? None whatsoever! But here’s a guy who’s still newsworthy; Pat King! Yup, the alleged mastermind in this plot to undermine Fluffy is still going through the court system. Let that be a lesson to any other wise guys who want to disagree with PM Fluffy! Violating the Charter of Rights is small potatoes compared to encouraging illegal parking. Many of us disagree. That’s why you see those F*ck Trudeau flags clear across the land.

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