Friday, July 19, 2019

Donald Trump hurt my feelings...

I was pleased to see a little bit of a Social Dem caucus forming around Bernie after the mid-terms. If the Democratic Party is to gain any traction going forward, it'll only happen once the old guard shuffles into the sunset. Until then, there's no particular reason for anyone of a progressive bent to vote Dem.

Six months in, I'm underwhelmed. Instead of keeping the focus on their progressive ideas, they've been reduced to mud-wrestling Trump in the quagmire of identity politics. Sorry, but being offended by Trump's race-baiting hyperbole isn't going to be much of a vote getter in 2020. They're quickly making themselves irrelevant.

In this they have the full connivance of America's mainstream media, the proprietors of which are more than happy to sideline anyone espousing real health care reform and serious taxes on unearned wealth. And indeed, they much prefer endless coverage of outrages, real and imagined, to reasoned discussion of critical issues.

If the Social Dem Caucus is to make good on it's potential, they need to get over their hurt feelings and shift the focus back to electoral politics and actual issues. Trump's tweets need not be an issue, if you don't make them one.

Otherwise, they're just helping ensure a Trump victory in 2020.

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