Thursday, July 25, 2019

Zelensky, Nazis, Chrystia Freeland, and our "free press"

Yves Engler is a Canadian journalist who you'll never read in the mainstream for the same reason you'll never read me there; he's about more than regurgitating the official establishment narrative.

This story caught my eye this morning. It's now official; Chrystia and Justin have been up Trump's ass from the get-go. That's something I've been saying from the get-go. They work really hard to convince the public otherwise, but the facts are the facts; the constant Russia-baiting, the support for fascist elements in Ukraine, the me-too toadying every time Trump issues another round of sanctions against some country that is reluctant to play lap-dog to Empire, the "leadership" role in America's regime change obsession with Venezuela...

Lloyd Axworthy is one of those establishment ciphers who is shuffled into a fresh sinecure whenever he gets bored with the last one. He's a regular election-observer in Ukraine, leading a Canadian delegation to make sure everything is on the up and up and Putin isn't doing any hanky-panky with Ukraine's democracy. (US hanky-panky, on the other hand, as revealed in the infamous Nuland-Pyatt tape, is never a problem!)

Lloyd reported that the recent Zelensky election appeared to meet Canadian standards, but he expressed surprise that the extreme right Canada has coddled didn't win any seats, whereas a number of Russia-friendly parties did very well!

Well, Lloyd, no need to scratch your head over that! Here's another article from someone you won't find in the pages of the Globe and Mail;  Zelensky's dilemma. That writer and that article strike me as vastly better-informed than anything I've ever read on the subject in our "free press."

Which I suppose is the reason our leaders are so keen on silencing alternative media.

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