Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The gold medal for unhinged hyperbole goes to...

 I've been reading a wide variety of exhortations aimed at getting folks off the couch and out to a voting booth, although with mail-in I suppose you can pretty much stay put. Point is, this is the most important election of your lifetime. Or my lifetime... somebody's lifetime.

Or possibly since the WWII, which possibly could be even longer than a lifetime.

In fact, there are claims that this could be the most consequential election since 1864, or maybe even in the entire history of the USA!

Why is it so important?

For about half the population, it's the last chance to prevent Biden and Harris from turning these United States into the United Soviets of America.

For the other half, it's the last chance to prevent Trump and Pence from turning America into a fascist dictatorship.

So you can see why it's absolutely essential to get out there and exercise your democratic franchise, because one way or the other, this is likely to be the last election in US history! That's in addition to being the most important, and from what I've seen of turnout numbers, there's a lot of folks who don't want to miss this twofer. 

Which is good, because not only is it the most important election in history, it's (and here's the gold medal line) about the next 4000 years!

The gold goes to Bill McKibben at The Guardian.

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