Saturday, November 7, 2020

Trump loses; decorum and decency prevail

There's a reason decency and decorum are held in such high regard by America's permanent ruling class. When you're the world's leading purveyor of murder and mayhem, it's important to have a well-spoken suit as your public face on the world stage. Obama was brilliant in that regard, as were Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. 

Then there's Trump, spewing venom at allies and adversaries alike, in a most indecent and indecorous assault on the norms of diplomatic conduct. His fans considered that "telling it like it is." 

Alas, "telling it like it is" isn't something approved of by the ruling class. After many decades of strutting about the globe, assassinating an unapproved leader here and toppling an hostile regime there, always in the name of human rights and freedom, along comes loose-lips Trump talking about "securing the oil."

No, Donald! It's NOT about the oil, not ever!

It's about freedom! It's about human rights!

If you take a look at the most severe humanitarian crises in the world today, from Afghanistan to Somalia to Syria to Yemen, you'll inevitably find that America's championing of "freedom and human rights" has been an integral factor in driving these catastrophes. When your campaign to spread freedom and human rights requires you to starve children in Iran and Syria and Venezuela, well, to paraphrase Madeliene Albright, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

America's ruling class, after four cringe-worthy years, can breathe easy at last. President Harris will bring back decorum and decency.

It's not likely that the starving children of Syria or Iran or Venezuela will notice or care.

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