Wednesday, October 13, 2021

F@ck science; just shut-up and obey the rules

If you find yourself with some free time, compare covid stats between locales that had very extensive mask mandates and those that had loose or no mask mandates. As for the masks themselves, it’s generally acknowledged in the literature, although not in the news headlines, that unless you’ve got a N-95 or better, there’s not much point.

So what to make of this story? A teacher in Ontario isn’t happy with the standard surgical masks issued by his school board. So he stocks up N-95s out of his own pocket, just to up the safety quotient.

Admin hauls him in and threatens to suspend him if he’s not using the proscribed and useless surgical masks.

How is this about anything other than the raw flexing of bureaucratic muscle?

That used to be called “fascism.” 

I spent 25 years teaching in Ontario. It was my experience that a system that never tires of proclaiming it's progressive bona fides and boasting about how they inculcate critical thinking doesn't do any thinking whatsoever.  

What you have instead, is a leadership class across the system consisting, with rare exceptions, of trend-following dullards who hate students and love shitting on the teachers they left behind on their climb up the career ladder.

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