Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Guess what? Ukraine needs more weapons!

Does anyone see a pattern yet? Ukraine has been winning since March, or perhaps even February, thanks to the support of her NATO allies, who have generously donated billions of dollars in weapons to the cause. A few weeks go by, and ya, they're really putting the run to the Rooskies, but the final glorious victory demands a few more months and a few more billions worth of arms. We've been treated to a non-stop loop of this tape every few weeks since this started. When do Western news consumers wake up and smell the coffee? Those billions in weaponry aren't being donated. You, the taxpayers in the "donating" nations, are paying for them. They mostly come from the same US arms manufacturers who fund the think-tanks who dreamt up this brilliant plan to bleed Russia and thereby prolong America's "full spectrum dominance" of life on earth. Don't look now, but things are not going to plan. The current debate around main battle tanks is a good illustration. Ukraine won't get anywhere near the number of tanks it's asked for, but they'll get just enough to prolong the war a few more weeks, and then we'll be back at "Ukraine just needs a few more billions and a few more months." Meanwhile, Ukraine is being systematically destroyed. But who cares? It's happy days for Raytheon and General Dynamics and the rest of America's war profiteers!

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