Monday, January 16, 2023

The death of God and the birth of Woke

I've been developing this theory since my first undergrad Soc course, and it goes something like this. There lies within some of us a genetic predisposition to mind the affairs of others. Early geneticists speculated that some subset of the population had what they informally referred to as the "can't mind my own business" gene. In previous times, this caused the afflicted to devote much of their energies into improving the lives of others. This inevitably manifested in all sorts of ways. Back when people were more religious, it created waves of missionaries who roamed the world spreading dozens of versions of The One True Faith for the simple reason that they couldn't mind their own business. This was fine until the death of God. It's hard to pin-point a date on that, but I think we can agree He was pretty much a gonner by the time Nietzsche was done with Him. After that, the genetically impaired were forced to secularize their impulses. They simply switched from saving your soul to saving everything else about you. Along come seat-belt laws and gun laws and catalytic converters and before you know it you can't even have a smoke in the pool hall anymore. Soon enough they were running out of real-world stuff to regulate, and were forced to expand to the world of feelings. In the early days, we dismissed this as "political correctitude" and assumed its inherent idiocy would doom it soon enough. Were we ever wrong... welcome to Woke-World, where silence is violence and we debate whether or not women with wieners belong on the ladies swim team. America is doomed.

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