Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Biden's SOTU brags up America's success; what's that look like in Europe where standard of living is plummeting?

My impressions of the State of the Union address. This is a room full of people who can't smell their own shit on their knees. He's going to finish the job... make the wealthy pay their share... this is a blue-collar revolution... Coming out of the mouth of a man who has been enriching himself throughout his half century in politics. It's clearly a speech aimed at the domestic market. When America's satraps in the EU hear the speech, they'll wonder why things are so great in the mothership, when Europe is going down the shitter. Then there's that Ukraine thing. America is with Ukraine till victory. Till it isn't, which will happen sooner rather than later. The US public is by and large so pathetically brainwashed and stupidified they won't notice. But the rest of the world will.

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