Tuesday, February 7, 2023

What the hell was Leonard Cohen doing at the State of the Union address?

Did you see that? I thought the fucker was dead! But no, I'm 99% sure when Biden introduced the Ukrainian ambassador to the US, and the camera zoomed in, that was Leonard sitting right there beside her! What? That was Paul Pelosi? Shit, he's a doppleganger for the famous Canadian poet! What's truly impressive about this speech is Sleepy Joe has been doing not too bad for almost 45 minutes so far. How do they pull this off? Have they invented a new drug? If so, it's a winner. But back to the speech. I noticed at one point, when Sleepy Joe was yammering on about American Exceptionalism, and everyone was clapping madly and jumping up and down, the camera panned across Milley and a bunch of guys weighed down with medals on their dress uniforms. None of them were laughing, clapping, or jumping up and down. Hmm...

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