Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ye will be judged by how ye treat the least among ye, so try not to step on the homeless dude sleeping under the bank machine

The bank I frequent has three cash machines in the lobby. I popped in this morning, shortly after eight, to find a sleeper stretched out underneath. While I was able to do my business without disturbing his slumber, I must say I found the experience disconcerting. How did we allow things to come to this? Good question. I don't recall ever seeing such a thing when I was a kid. Nor for most of my adulthood. But today it's become a commonplace. We're clearly heading in the wrong direction as a society. People sleep in the bank lobby because they're homeless. They're homeless because they can't afford a roof over their head. A one-bed flat runs $1,500 a month these days. A full-time job at min wage nets out about the same. So even working people are up against it. The least among us, those who can't work due to disability or mental health or addiction issues, are totally fucked. How will we be judged?

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