Friday, March 24, 2023

Biden more popular in Ottawa than in Washington

I caught Sleepy Joe's speech to Parliament today, and I gotta say at least he didn't come off as sleepy. And do they ever love him in Ottawa. I lost track of the standing ovations. So what do we know now that we didn't know yesterday. Nothing. America leads the free and democratic world, always has, always will, and Canada has been and forever will be shoulder to shoulder with our friends and relatives south of the border. Yes, we strive to be lap-dog number one, faithful to the end and beyond. Canada's political elite are obviously thrilled to keep kissing Uncle Sam's ass no matter what disastrous roads he leads us down. It was truly cringe-worthy watching Freeland and Joly preening for the cameras while seated behind good friends Justin and Joe. Ukraine came up a lot. That's another second-tier country that put all its faith in Uncle Sam. How's that working out for them? The taste for ass-kissing Uncle Sam extends to our media. Yesterday the main op-ed at The Globe was all about how we should be embarrassed that we're not part of AUKUS, that nuclear sub scam that saw Australia agree to pay $300billion plus for the privelege of serving as a nuclear submarine base for the US Navy for the next 50 years. I don't know why Australia's political elite saw fit to pay hundreds of billions to cement their subordinate role in the fading US empire, but that's their problem. It's Australia that should be embarrassed.

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