Wednesday, March 8, 2023

NYT presents Uncle Sam's alibi re: the Russia-Germany pipeline we destroyed

It had to come sooner or later, the US administration's realization that the NordStream story wasn't going away. Almost a month after Seymour Hersh let the cat out of the bag, the New York Times issued the official alibi. Seems the Russians didn't destroy their own pipeline after all! No, it was some dodgy band of pro-Ukraine privateers, with no, repeat NO, connection to the Zelensky government. And definitely, no possible way, not-in-a-million-years, did they have any connection whatsoever to the US government. Hmm... Hersh has already teased he's got more info coming out. That should be fun! My hunch is he won't be confirming the NYT story! Even the CBC has obliquely acknowledged the story. Today they had a brief audio clip of NATO boss Stoltenberg on the hourly news, reminding us we shouldn't jump to conclusions until investigations are completed. But for the most part, CBC is still regaling us daily with yarns of Ukrainian bravado and how that fabulous Canadian training made all the miraculous Ukrainian victories possible. Our elite journos should be having a huddle on how to break it to Canadians that our best friend, closest ally, leader of the Free World, the country on the other side of the worlds longest undefended border, isn't above committing acts of war against its allies and lying about it.

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