Monday, March 27, 2023

Israel on brink of suicide

I saw Smotrich’s speech on Al Jazeera today. He’s the settler Bibi put in charge of the West Bank as part of his horse-trading to form a coalition government. A settler in charge of the West Bank? That won’t end well for anybody. Top plank in the settler platform is expel all Palestinians from Judea and Samaria. This will not go unchallenged by the Palestinian resistance and their allies, namely Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran. There have been huge protests in Israel for months over Netanyahu’s plans for “reforming” the supreme court. The reforms would allow the government of the day to over-ride the court. If the government of the day is propped up by religious nutters, they’ll be the ones over-ruling the supreme court. That prospect is what has led hundreds of thousands of normal Israelis to protest in the streets on a scale never before seen in Israel. In his speech, Beelzebub Smotrich exhorted his followers to take to the streets to counter the street protests of the normal Israelis. They will no doubt heed his call, and with great enthusiasm. After all, beating up a few fags waving the Pride flag will be a nice change from beating up Palestinian farmers tending their olive groves. Yesterday Bibi fired the Defense Minister for speaking out against his reforms. The Defense Ministry has often been a bastion of sanity in Israeli politics, because the DM is the politician most intimately acquainted with the thoughts of the upper leadership of the IDF. There’s a long history of the top bananas in the IDF speculating publicly about how many incoming rockets Israel should expect in the event the shit hits the fan. Usually they do this after they retire. Estimates run from 50,000 to 500,000. Iron Dome will take out the first couple of dozen. That’s why the top IDF leadership are pacifists compared to the political leadership. When the political leadership falls into the hands of people who think they’re writing a new chapter in the Old Testament, there’s big trouble ahead.

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