Thursday, June 6, 2024

American puppets

The Lima Group was a collection of US patsies who sought to curry favour from the Big House by recognizing Juan Guaido as the legitimate president of Venezuela. If I’m not mistaken, our very own Chrystia Freeland was the leader of the Lima Group. Alas, that was a US-sponsored regime change plot that fizzled out, but not before the Trudeau government gifted $53 millions to the cause. Chrystia squandered a great deal of Canada’s international rep with that ill-advised adventure. Where is Juan now? Near as I can tell, working as an adjunct professor at a university in Florida. Where is Chrystia now? Working as the finance minister and deputy PM of Canada. The enthusiasm with which its vassals embrace Washington-approved leaders is how our betters in DC judge our loyalty. While we may not have much political capital left in the eyes of most of the world, we’re still looking good in Washington. We backed Guaido, and we’re totally gung-ho for the next US pet, Churchill-Mandela-Zelensky. The Z-man was the guest of honour at the D-day shindig in France today. The president of Russia was not invited. That’s somewhat ironic. If you recall your WW II history, it was Russia that did most of the heavy lifting in that war, while Ukraine’s contribution was somewhat nebulous, to say the least. The leader of Russia is snubbed, while the leader of a state that continues to celebrate its collaboration with Nazi Germany is given a standing ovation.

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