Wednesday, June 5, 2024

When will Canada stand up against US meddling in our democracy?

There’s been a lot of noise here in the Great White North about foreign meddling in our democracy. Specifically, it’s been the Yellow Peril and the towel-heads in India that have attracted infinite opprobrium both on our national propaganda network, the CBC, and in the pages of our putative “newspaper of record,” the Globe & Mail. A truly shocking tidbit came out today; there are MPs sitting in parliament today who have connived with foreign governments, ie India and China, to subvert our democracy! What to do!? Hmm… In the first place, calm down and get a grip. What’s behind our fear of India and China? Our American allies (some would say “overlords”) have been steering our China policy for some time. Remember the “Two Michaels?” They were in jail in retaliation for Canada jailing a prominent Chinese business executive at the behest of the US government. For over two years the Two Michaels served as a cudgel to beat China with. China always claimed they were spies. Canada always protested they were innocent civilians ruthlessly abducted by the tyrannical Chines Communist Party. That fell apart when it came out one Michael was suing the other for ratting him out to his spymasters. Our diplomatic relationship with India has been severely strained since PM Fluffy did his dress-up tour in 2018, but it went down the toilet for good when our PM publicly claimed India was responsible for the murder of a Sikh separatist on Canadian soil. He made that statement on the strength of intelligence from our Washington ally, also known in Ottawa as “the boss.” American influence over Canadian policy continues unabated, and unchallenged by our legacy media. Hardly a day goes by without another example of US interference. Today CBC reports some American politicians are upset we’re not doing our part to prevent the Uyghur “genocide” because we’re not sufficiently diligent about protecting our supply chains. Why does the CBC assume we need to appease those American politicians? Why do we tolerate US meddling in our political affairs? This seems a far greater threat than the alleged political meddling of China and India.

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