Sunday, June 23, 2024

Doug Ford swaps you Science Centre for beer at the corner store

This is a win-win for sure! For one thing, this swap saves lives at both ends. Imagine the carnage if the Science Centre’s roof collapsed while the place was packed with hordes of kids on school trips, as it is on virtually every school day. Doug’s timely and decisive intervention has prevented imminent catastrophe. And think of the lives that will be saved when beer is available at the corner store. No longer will you have to get in your car and drive to some far-flung government booze outlet when it’s ten minutes to closing time and you’re half in the bag. That’s potentially deadly! Ontario will be much safer when you can just stroll down the street. If lives-saved isn’t enough to convince you, there are other benefits to boot. Attaching the new-and-improved (ie downsized and privatized) Science Centre next to that world-class spa & casino complex gives patrons of the latter a handy, not to mention educational, place to drop off their kids! And as if that’s not enough wins, think of all the luxury townhouses some lucky developer’s going to put on the former Science Centre site, thereby ameliorating the housing crisis. True, they’ll only be affordable to the same folks going to the spa, but a roof is a roof. There you have it; a win-win, win again, and win some more! Too bad about the losers…

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