Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Do we really "share values" with mass murderers? Time to interrogate our support for Israel

Here’s a recent headline from Canadian Press; Russia needs to be accountable for 'the genocide' of taking Ukrainian kids: Trudeau. Isn’t it odd that PM Fluffy would use the G-word with respect to Russia, but has yet to utter it with respect to Israel? Why is that? I’ll tell you why; it’s because Israel is our ally, and Russia is our enemy. In two and a half years, Putin’s illegal, brutal, unprovoked, and full-scale invasion of Ukraine has taken the lives of an estimated 600 Ukrainian children. In comparison, Israel’s exercise of its inherent right to defend itself has taken the lives of 15,000+ Palestinian children in eight months. You’ll notice The Greatest Leader Since Moses is not being accused of taking Gaza’s children. It’s a crying shame he didn’t take all of them, and take them to safety in Israel, before unleashing his war of extermination. Who knows how many more Ukrainian children would have died if the Russians had not spirited them out of harm’s way? But in our disturbingly myopic world view, Putin is guilty of genocide, while Netanyahu gets a pass. And that’s the thing about our allies and our “shared values.” We are relentlessly hectored by our legacy media about “standing with our allies.” Unless you take your news exclusively from legacy media, you know that “standing with our allies” really means taking orders from Washington. The American Empire Loyalists who regulate content on Canadian news platforms never fail to remind us that in this epic battle between good and evil, we and our allies are the good guys. We have shared values, after all! The genocide ongoing in Gaza was announced in advance by Bibi and Gallant. “No food, no water, no fuel for the terrorist animals in Gaza.” Almost nine months later, children are starving to death in Gaza… who could have seen that coming? I would guess anyone who saw Bibi and Gallant’s presser on 9 October saw it coming. Yet here we are, still standing with our ally Israel. Shared values! Today NATO supremo Jittery Jens paid a visit to Ottawa to remind us of what multiple media pundits remind us of every day; WE MUST SPEND MORE ON WEAPONS! Specifically, all kinds of fancy, over-priced, and obsolete US weaponry. A few hundreds of billions for 20th Century war kit won’t help us win the 21st Century war we seem eager to embrace. But it will, for sure, prevent those hundreds of billions from being wasted on frills like affordable housing, health care, and education. Canadians have a choice. We can bankrupt ourselves by standing with our allies. Or we can back away from those allies and chart an independent course, a course that would disavow the values on display in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza, and prioritize the needs of Canadians.

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