Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kenya's cops go where RCMP fear to tread

Canada has had an RCMP-led police training mission in Haiti since 1993. The longer we train them, the worse things get! And we were surprised these jokers couldn’t figure out how to clear the Freedom Convoy out of Ottawa? But they’re breathing a sigh of relief in Haiti today. Two years after the Haitian government asked for international help to combat rampant gang violence, the first plane-load of Kenyan police arrived in the country. Kenya is leading the Multinational Security Support Mission to restore law and order, good governance, and possibly even democracy, to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The glory of leading this mission could have been ours. When Geriatric Joe visited Ottawa in 2023, Haiti was on the agenda. There was much speculation we would jump at the opportunity, as we’re generally keen to curry favour with Washington, but surprisingly, PM Fluffy turned it down. I for one applauded that decision. After failing for over thirty years to whip the Haitian police into shape, we’re willing to admit we’re not up to the job. In order to make amends, Justin did however announce a $100 million investment in the Haitian National Police at the time. Now that the Kenyans have arrived, I’m sure we’ll soon see good results for our money! On the same day, back in Nairobi, mobs of disgruntled ingrates with no respect for democracy, a veritable Kenyan Freedom Convoy, stormed the parliament and tried to burn it down. Kenyan police shot 23 of them dead. They would have got those truckers outta Ottawa pronto!

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