Sunday, April 29, 2012

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques and why we're fucked

On the computer I'm reading a news story about how the NTC, our NATO-installed non-democratic Libyan government, is getting cold feet about the democratic elections long in the offing.

Meanwhile, on the TV just over my right shoulder 60 Minutes has got a CIA guy who just wrote a book. All about how "enhanced interrogation techniques", commonly known as torture, have been a blessing to America.

I guess there's a certain segment of the population that still wants to believe this.

Those folks should make an effort to look around and see what's going on in the world.

This attitude that we, the enlightened West, can call the shots for the whole world has taken us to a nasty place. The engineers and architects of the Iraq and Afghan wars should be sitting in cells in The Hague.

Instead, The Hague busies itself with Serbs and minor league dictators.

Obviously the NATO-US-Israel pact has clout. We are and for the foreseeable future will remain the big dogs.

But what are we doing? The Iraq and Afghan conflicts have sown the seeds for a thousand years of hate.  We've sown those seeds in cultures that won't mind nurturing those seeds for a thousand years.

We're bankrupting ourselves in order to make the rest of the world hate us.

Yet at every wrong step there is a chorus of cheerleaders urging on the stupidity.

Cheerleaders who have political skin in the game.

Cheerleaders who have financial interests in the game.

Cheerleaders who can call torture "enhanced interrogation techniques" but wonder why "they" hate us.

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