Thursday, April 12, 2012

Card-carrying Marxists infiltrate Congress

Yup. They sure do. And obviously they are Dems. What else would you expect?

Republican Representative Allen West broke the news at a town hall in Florida the other day. The Progressive Caucus of the Democratic Party is utterly riddled with hard-core commies. West figures there's about 80 of them.

You know the type. Go on and on about how the working class is getting a raw deal etc. Hell, if the working class would just work a little harder, maybe we wouldn't have had to ship their jobs to China.

And work for less. Ya, there was a time when a Pontiac in every pot and two chickens in the garage made sense, but thankfully America has gotten over that irrational flirtation with socialism.

Let me bottom-line it for you, Pinkos.

A "fair wage" is the wage that somebody will agree to do the job for. If I'm a business owner, and I can find somebody willing to work for less than minimum wage, why should the government throw all sorts of legal obstacles in the way of my hiring that person? After all, he or she has kids to try to feed too.

And enough about this health care nonsense. Sickness and disease is God's way of telling you your time is up. How are health care providers supposed to make a profit if they are forced to insure the sick and the diseased? That's communism through and through!

I think it's obvious what the Democratic Communists have done to education. The Dems are totally in bed with the teacher's unions, and you know what that means.

They're all about teaching your kids about evolution and homosexuality. Is that the America the founding fathers had in mind?

And you'll notice that it's these commie Democrats who are always the first to question our wars against drugs and terror. These are the two biggest challenges facing America today, and to have these congressional saboteurs working against us every step of the way is something that has gone on far too long.

So good for you, Congressman West, for shining a light on the seedy communist underbelly of the House of Representatives!

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