Friday, July 20, 2018

Israel contemplates suicide

There's plenty of speculation out there that a full-on IDF attack on Gaza is imminent.

The think tank here at Falling Downs figures it won't happen.


Because the upper echelon of IDF leadership fully understand the idea is retarded.

Sure, it makes great talking points for a lot of hate-mongering politicians, but the serious people at the pointy end fully understand that a ground attack on Gaza would be a nightmare.

It's one thing to send fighter jets to drop Hellfire missiles and Paveways on people with no air defences.

It's quite another to fight block to block and house to house in Gaza City.

To say nothing of the carnage that will ensue if such a war expands to include the Hezbollah rocketeers in southern Lebanon.

So I figure, political grandstanding aside, there's nothing to worry about.

But I could be wrong.

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