Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Did Trump use the n-word?

Maybe. The guy doesn't seem to have much of a filter.

But while you're pondering that question, which is of zero import one way or the other in the big picture, here's a few things Trump HAS managed to accomplish.

He has set back any prospect for peace in the Middle East by at least a generation by moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

He has raised America's absurdly obese military budget, with the enthusiastic support of the Dems, to a ridiculous $770 billions. The increase alone is more than our enemy-du-jour, Russia, spends on its military in a year. (But Russia remains a "threat?")

He has gifted a massive tax break to his fellow billionaires while more Americans than ever are homeless and destitute.

He has ramped up the economic war on half a dozen countries, any of which could implode at any moment, with catastrophic consequences for global stability.

These are all real accomplishments...

But you're worried about the n-word?

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