Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What would Jesus do?

On considerable reflection, I fear I've perhaps been a little harsh in my dismissal of the White Helmets.

And it's not because they're not terrorists.

No, it's because of my Christian values. Yup, believe it or not, I was baptised into the Christian faith at Schloss Beuggen way back in '55. My understanding is that was an orphanage at the time.

I may want to take the matter up with my alleged parents.

But irregardless, I do try to temper my commentary by asking myself, just before I push "publish," what would Jesus do?

Well, I think Jesus would give the vile head-choppers another chance.

Wasn't it Jesus who said "let they without blame cast the first stone?"

And let's face it; none among us is without blame for something or other.

I further believe that the attitude of Jesus in showing mercy to the miscreants reflects Canadian values through and through.

I mean, look at our Foreign Minister's dear Nazi grampa. Over 40,000 Canadians gave their lives in the fight against the Nazis, yet once the war was over, we let bygones be bygones.

We didn't sit around holding grudges against Nazi-collaborators. No, we gave them a warm Canadian welcome!

There's no reason we can't do the same for the White Helmets.

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