Friday, August 24, 2018

President Trump: the ultimate WMD

Since Big Media shifted to the "all Trump, all the time" format a couple of years ago, all of us are acquainted with the anti-Trump canon of verities.

Trump is the most racist racist to ever befoul the White House.

Trump is a buffoon.

Trump is a moron.

Trump is the lyingest liar to ever besmirch American politics.

Trump is in Putin's pocket.

Trump is a self-dealing swindler.

Trump has grabbed more pussy than any of the preceding 44 presidents, or at least brags about it more... and so on.

All of which could well be true. But what is also true is that Donald Trump is the ultimate "weapon of mass distraction."

While the world goes ape-shit over his latest toxic tweet, it seems to me highly probable that the most consequential decision Trump himself makes in the course of any given day is whether to have a Big Mac or KFC for lunch.

How else to explain the vast gulf between Trump's talking points and actual US policy?

Trump was going to draw down American wars. The opposite is happening.

Trump was going to normalize relations with Russia. Instead, they're getting demonstrably worse.

Trump said NATO was irrelevant. He's since become NATOs fund-raiser in chief.

Trump was bringing peace to the Holy Land. The opposite is happening.

There's seldom been a more obvious disconnect between the pronouncements of the Commander-in-Chief and the actions of the state he is allegedly commanding.

This is no accident. Recall that Trump is a long-time Clinton crony parachuted into the Republican primaries by the Clinton camp to sow mayhem among the more traditional contenders.

Alas, it didn't take things long to go off plan. Not surprisingly, Big Media, largely responsible for creating the Trump brand over the past fourty years, seized on the Trump circus with a vengeance, and he's been a godsend for them.

As for Trump, he's the ultimate proof of the old adage that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Come hell, high water, impeachment, or whatever, he's bound to walk away from his political career richer than ever. He's fine with that.

So are the swamp creatures of the Deep State. While the public is in a tizzy over Trump's latest twitter indiscretions, their consolidation of power quietly forges ahead, well under the radar of that "free press" that is our supposed last bulwark against tyranny.

Democracy may have served up a lemon on December 8, but the folks behind the curtain and their PR department in the media have figured out how to squeeze that into some mighty potent lemonade.

Donald Trump is their ultimate weapon of mass distraction.

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