Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Are we watching the last episode of The American Empire?

Think it'll be a cliffhanger again, like the last couple of season enders? Or are they going over the cliff this time?

America is demonstrating its exceptionalism to the world. Is there any other country on the planet during this pandemic that is running around making threats against other nations?

That's exceptional, all right.

What you're witnessing in DC right now is a panicked oligarchy looting as much as they can. Their media wants you to think that this has something to do with that Wuhan Flu that came along just in the nick of time.

What's got them panicked isn't the virus, it's the collapse of the global oil markets. But they couldn't very well lock down the country and loot the treasury over that.

There was a time when the US dollar was convertible into gold, the "gold standard," as it was known. That was tossed overboard in the Nixon era. Since then, America has used its stranglehold on the global economy, backed up by it's staggering nuclear arsenal, to impose its will on the world.

One of Uncle Sam's most reliable pets, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has gone rogue, we are told. Perhaps such a thing is plausible.

There's an impressive lot of loose plot strings hanging in the air. It'll be interesting to see how they're tied together at the end.

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