Friday, May 22, 2020

Hong Kong democracy is back!

Remember that? It was the top news story every day most of last winter, till it was sidelined first by a bunch of Mohawks who parked a snowplow near some train-tracks, and then by COVID-19. We might have thought Hong Kong's "democracy movement" had gone dormant.

Today it came roaring back! It has regained top spot, both on the CBC radio news and in the Globe and Mail. Now, of course, it conveniently ties in with the anti-China slanders that have become ubiquitous in Western media. We have an enemy, the anti-human-rights, freedom-hating tyrants of the Chinese Communist Party, and don't you forget it! Their goal is world domination and they will settle for nothing less! We must snuggle in tighter with our freedom-loving allies, led as always, by that light unto the nations, the United States of America, and resist those evil commies!

Charles Burton is gifted more op-ed space today to make the observation that "the tide of opinion is turning on China." Well, duh! There is no more reliable spewer of Yellow Peril rhetoric than Mr. Burton. Check out the former diplomat's diplomatic language when referring to former Chinese ambassador Lu Shaye; "Mr. Lu's ridiculous, highly offensive blathering..."

Hey, we get it. It's what Chinese communists do when they're not unleashing pandemics on the unsuspecting...

Propaganda works.

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