Thursday, May 21, 2020

My mystery reader

I've been chuffed at how my page views have plumped up since the lockdown. I figured it was the predictable result of way too many folks having way too much free time on their hands.

On closer inspection, the plumping (I haven't seen 3,000 page view a month for years!) seems to be due to only one person with way too much time on their hands. Someone in the US is methodically reading every post I've ever published. They're all the way back to 2016 now.

I've got a pack of relatives in New Jersey, but I'm pretty sure they're not that interested. So why would someone inflict this on themselves? Could it be a cry for help? Should I contact the authorities?

I just hope it's not somebody in a law office, compiling a list of everyone I've offended over the years, prepping a class action.

I doubt it though. More likely, it's that rare person who recognizes original writing when they read it.

Hope they're not disappointed.

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