Sunday, July 9, 2023

NATO cluster-f*ck

Must admit I was taken aback when I heard Lloyd Axworthy on CBC expressing profound reservations about Biden's decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine. Lloyd is an American Empire Loyalist through and through, so for him to come out with such heresy is surely a bad omen going into the Vilnius NATO summit this week. NATO fans have been busy bragging up how the Ukraine war has made NATO bigger, stronger, and more unified than ever before. We'll see how unified they are after the summit. The far majority of NATO members have signed onto the prohibition against cluster bombs, which was a Lloyd Axworthy initiative. If Lloyd were to keep quiet about this decision, he can kiss his ambitions for Secretary General of the UN goodbye. What seems to be over-looked in the reportage is the real reason Biden made this decision. It's because the 155mm cluster shells are all the US and NATO have to give to Ukraine. Remember when we were in a panic about sending 155 howitzers to Ukraine? That was one of the earlier "game-changers" in the steady escalation of game-changing weapon systems we have been gifting Ukraine as they struggle to save the free world. The fact we're sending the outlawed cluster bombs is because we've got nothing else. NATO's cupboard is bare. So much for "whatever it takes for as long as it takes."


  1. NATO is no longer a defensive entity and serves no purpose other than to enrich Western politicians and generals. Check out Douglas MacGregor's podcasts, if you haven't already:
    They are refreshingly no nonsense, astute analyses from someone who has been there.

  2. MacGregor is definitely one of the more relevant analysts of the war. That's why you'll never see him quoted at CBC or G&M!

    Good to hear from you Ken

  3. NATO is the clear aggressor, run by a cabal of low life profiteering scum. NATO is itching for a way to maintain relevancy and a reason to continue its existence. I guess they figure allowing a few small nukes to fall into the hands of renegade combatants to set off in Moscow would upgrade their sagging status.
