Friday, March 8, 2019

Black Guns Matter

I've just cottoned on to this dude in the last couple of days, and I don't know anything about his back story, but I love this guy.

He's absolutely right about gun law literacy. There literally are tons of black dudes doing heavy prison time for the simple reason that they didn't do the paperwork and spend twenty bucks on a gun permit.

And probably more than a few white ones too.

Get busted with a bag of weed?

You got some trouble.

Get busted with a bag of weed while in possession of an unregistered firearm?

You're fucked.

For life.

Good on Maj Toure for taking this on.

1 comment:

  1. To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless. The FBI/DOJ reports (access WaPo for daily updates), that for at least two decades, 6% of the population commit over 50% of all murders in the US. This fellow, it appears, has an uphill battle...
