Friday, March 1, 2019

Justin, Donny J, 5G, Huawei, and the rule of law...

Here's a fucked up thing.

When you ask folks what 5G is, most of them seem to know it's the next best thing coming down the Highway of Progress.

If you ask them if there's anything controversial about 5G, some of them might bring up Huawei.

Huawei is the world leader in 5G technology. But it's a Chinese company. You know... commies!

If we buy their stuff, they'll use it to spy on us!

And then there's the fantastic sidebar story about the Huawei founder's daughter being arrested in Canada, where the "rule of law" government of Justin Trudeau will of course have no option other than turning her over to Uncle Sam.

That's all great flashy headline-worthy stuff!

In fact, it's so flashy that nobody notices a far more important controversy; 5G grows brain cancer cells in lab rats exponentially faster than anything that's come before.

Why aren't we talking about that?

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