Thursday, March 21, 2019

Future wars of the American Empire

One thing the apologists for Trump are always happy to report, is that so far, he hasn't started any new wars yet.


Yet, sanctions on both Iran and Venezuela are escalating.

And with war-mongering buffoons like Bolton, Pompeo, and Abrams in the inner circle, you know it's only a matter of time.

Bolton has already made it clear that American oil majors need to rejuvenate Venezuela's oil industry.

He's also opined on the necessity of ridding Venezuela of Cuban oppression.

So you know Cuba and Venezuela are in the cross-hairs.

And today Pompeo was in Israel informing Bibi that America recognises Israel's sovereignty over Syria's Golan. Israel has occupied the Golan since the Six Day War. The international consensus is that Israel's occupation of the Golan is contrary to international law.

But there's been rich oil and gas discoveries made there, and let's not forget the water, so who gives a shit about international law!

When you're the bully on the world stage, the actor with the most guns and the most bombs and the most nuclear missiles... hey, you just do whatever you want!

... and that's how things work.

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