Saturday, March 30, 2019

Mother Nature poops on Bruce, again...

There we were, thinking we'd beat winter. The meadows were more brown than white, and the weather forecasts were promising.

Then, this.

Woke up this morning, looked out the bedroom window, and everything was white. It snowed last night, and it's been snowing all day long. By golly, I think the kids might be enjoying another "snow day" on Monday, if this keeps up.

That would be snow day number sixteen for this winter, if my count is anywhere near accurate.

That'll create quite the conundrum for the school board. Not that they actually give a shit, but they're quite concerned about giving the appearance that they do.

According to the latest "sunshine list," the plagiarist in charge of the local school board pulled down a cool $230,000+ last year. That's some sweet coin for a moron who can't figure out where one idea ends and another begins, especially when she's plagiarising.

Plagiarism aside, the school board rallies to the banner of "credit integrity" whenever they get cornered on the fact that winter weather can cause students to lose almost 20% of their classroom time. Nevermind the fact that they routinely issue high school diplomas to eighteen and nineteen and twenty year old kids who need a calculator to do grade three arithmetic and have grade four literacy skills, if that.

They actually put forward an initiative to "end the culture of snow days" a few years back.

Ya, like they're gonna control the weather?

Fortunately for the students in this school district, snow days are called by the down-to-earth folks who run the school buses, and not by the morons who run the school board.

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