Sunday, March 24, 2019

Doug Ford's freedom agenda

As you know, Doug wants you to have more freedom.

Especially freedom from government regulation.

That's a win-win. You deep-six a bunch of government regulations and regulators, and you save a pile of money, right?!

There's a story in my Sunday Star by Rob Ferguson today that horks up for the umpteenth time the virtues of having booze on sale at your corner store.

Because that "gives consumers more choice and convenience, while giving businesses more opportunities."

F@ck off already!

I'm with Brian Patterson, the guy from the "Ontario Safety League," whatever that is. I've never found beer hard to find either.

Here's a couple of things to think about. Do you know of any corner store employees making more than the minimum wage?

I didn't think so.

Here's a link to the latest contract between OPSEU and the LCBO. You'll find that even the most expendable hired-for-the-Christmas-rush employees are a couple of bucks over min wage. And they're on a track that could reasonably be expected to see them making more in the future.

That doesn't happen in your corner store.

So what our dear Doug is doing, is turning liquor store jobs that used to offer some prospects, into corner store jobs that don't.

Because he's a man of the people, after all...

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