Sunday, June 23, 2019

A PLO sympathiser considers the Kushner peace plan

I can't say I've met a lot of Palestinians. There was the guy I worked with at Kearney's, who hailed from the West Bank and dreamed of owning a corner store. One day while shopping at Zehrs, he slipped on a grape and hurt his neck. Miraculously, he made a 100% recovery shortly after winning enough of a settlement from his lawsuit against Zehrs to stake his store.

A few years later, whilst a student at the U of G, I recall attending a presentation by a Palestinian guy who represented some Palestinian solidarity cause, no doubt a PLO front. There were a handful of ADL types doing their best to be disruptive, but that only served to make the guy more appealing to the activist undergrad audience.

Shared a few pints at the Brass Taps with the guy later on. The "two state solution" was still a viable thing in those days, or at least that's what people thought.

Only a completely deluded moron would think that today.

Which is why the Palestinians should take the money. The two state solution is long dead, but the one state solution is an inevitability. Fifty billion dollars will put a lot of food on a lot of tables as Palestinians continue to struggle, peaceably, towards a single state wherein the Palestinian citizens have in every aspect the same rights as the Jewish citizens.

A generation or two from now, Israel could be a real democracy, in which some Jews vote for Palestinian candidates, and vice-versa, because of the candidates platform rather than their ethnicity.

That may not be what Kushner envisions, but take the money and keep working towards that goal.

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