Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why does the USA have a Middle East Policy?

If you take a look at a globe, the next time you're in a library or a classroom, you'll notice that the USA is not anywhere near the Middle East.

So why does the USA have a Middle East policy or strategy or whatever?

Does the Middle East have a USA strategy or policy?

Does Chile have an Africa policy?

Does Mongolia have a Canada policy?

(No, but Canada-domiciled mining companies operate there, so maybe they should.)

Does Indonesia have a UK policy?

And do those policies include the right to harass, bully, intimidate, threaten, sanction, embargo whoever is on the receiving end of your "policy."

America is a long way from the Middle East. Why should it be up to Manhattan dilettantes to determine what happens there?

Why don't they focus on their Puerto Rico policy or something?

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