Saturday, June 1, 2019

Bird action

How ironic that I would be posting this the same week I got my first CPP payment.

We've always had bird feeders. I never paid much attention. Now and then the Farm Manager would say fill the feeder, and I did, and that was about it.

I knew birds were coming to eat the stuff we put out, and it was mildly entertaining, but I never really gave it any thought.

But I'm starting to.

Right now there's a couple of hummingbirds battling over the hummingbird feeder. They keep chasing each other off. Brownie likes to have a sit-down on the rim of the feeder. Greenie keeps herself airborne at all times.

A little further off the stoop we've got a feeder filled (well, not for long) with safflower seed. It's been so popular I'm filling it every day.

Until very recently, birds were just birds to me. Sure, I could tell a seagull from a crow from a Canada goose, but you pick that up by osmosis. I didn't really care.

Now I'm getting to know them. The feeder is very popular with Grosbeaks. We have a variety of finches as well, and some woodpeckers. We've seen Blue Jays but no Cardinals.

D. Neumann, bird watcher?

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