Sunday, June 2, 2019

Toronto Star exposes BDS as Iran plot!

In case you were wondering, the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement is a plot cooked up in Iran. That's according to the Toronto Star's Rosie DiManno in her page 2 column today.

Those damned Persians!

Yup, it's all "anti-Semitism, don't kid yourself," Rosie assures us. Rosie came to this conclusion after attending a Al Quds Day rally in Toronto without her cigarettes, a fact her editors somehow find relevant to the story. Or maybe she no longer has anyone edit her idiocy. After all, it's been tough times in the news biz. Tossing the editors over the side was just another cost-saving necessity.

That's why the Canadian media bigs went cap-in-hand to the government to wrangle a $600 million subsidy from taxpayers to subsidize their failing news titles, so they can continue to publish anti-Palestinian hate-speech like DiManno's effort today.

DiManno obviously has high regard for "that sliver of democracy in the Middle East." Good for her, but I think most diaspora Jews under thirty are embarrassed by it. Google we know where every bullet landed and you'll see why. There's nothing praiseworthy about IDF snipers killing unarmed Palestinians.


DiManno gets one thing right; there is no two-state solution. It may take five more years or fifty, but eventually a one-state solution will prevail. That will be a state in which every resident is a citizen, and every citizen has an equal vote. At that point, Israel will be more than a Jewish state; it will be an authentic democracy.

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