Friday, June 14, 2019

Chinese bullying; return of the Yellow Peril

There's certainly a lot of hand-wringing over Chinese bullying these days. It was on the front page of the Globe today. It was in Campbell Clark's column. It was mentioned three times in letters to the editor. Obviously somebody at the national newspaper of record is working very hard to get the reading public onboard with all this fear-mongering.

The gist of the bullying charges is simple enough. After we received that arrest request for Meng Wanzhou from Washington, we studied our values and our rules and our laws for about five minutes before concluding that our only conceivable way forward was to immediately capitulate to Washington's demand.

So what do those commies do? They pop a couple of innocent Canadians in the slammer on trumped up espionage charges and declare war on our canola exports!

Those impertinent yellow bastards! That's a textbook case of an evil dictatorship BULLYING a vibrant democracy that's just peaceably going about its business in a lawful and orderly way. At least that's the way Chrystia and Justin like to spin the story.

But let's go back to Ms. Wanzhou for a moment. What is the alleged crime for which we arrested her? Her company allegedly violated some sanctions that the US unilaterally imposed on Iran. Sanctions are something that the world's only super-power uses as a matter of course against nations who get too uppity, like Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran, among others.

Who is the bully in this scenario?

And what is the way forward for Canada? According to Justin and Chrystia, our way forward is to plead with the likes of Pompeo and Trump to support us in "our" squabble with the government of China.

We wouldn't have a squabble with China if we hadn't jumped when the bully snapped his fingers last December. Now we're sucking up to the bully some more in hopes that our past kowtowing got us enough brownie points to get the canola moving and those Canadian innocents home.

Truly pathetic.

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