Saturday, August 8, 2020

100 mph on a motorcycle down a country road in the dark

No, it wasn't me, although in years gone by I might have been a viable suspect.

When you're doing 100 mph down a country road in the dark, and a raccoon walks out in front of you, what's gonna happen?

100 mph in the dark on a country road is a nice recipe for an obit.

Nevermind a coyote or a deer or a bear, all of which routinely wander across the country road in front of Falling Downs.

So it was a relief that after a couple of morons came screaming through the S-bends at well over 100mph, in the dark, I heard them accelerate away from the Wolsley corner a minute later.

Unfortunately for them, there's lots more bears and raccoons job-shadowing them all the way back to town.

And we wonder why bike insurance is so pricey...

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