Thursday, August 6, 2020

Yellow Peril promoters at Globe upgrade China from "adversary" to "hostile state"

Today it fell to Robert Fife and Steven Chase to deliver the daily dose of anti-China booga-booga to readers of the Globe and Mail. They were gifted the top slot on the front page, because... this really is the most important story in Canada at the moment?

According to some top spooks at Canada's official spook agency, who get their marching orders from Washington, China's Thousand Talents Plan has been up to no good. To their credit, Fife and Chase looked up a few of the Canadians participating in the TTP initiative, all of whom denied being up to no good.

Which is entirely meaningless. They stand accused of spying for China. Of course they're going to deny it! What more proof do you want that they're guilty?

But what got my attention was the subtle shift in nomenclature. China is no longer an "adversary."

We all understand that concept. The Canadiens and the Leafs are adversaries. The Red Sox and the Yankees are adversaries. Canada (and our allies) and China used to be adversaries.

Used to be. In today's paper, China is labelled a "hostile state."

There's a difference between a hostile state and an adversary.

An adversary is a competitor.

A hostile state is your enemy...

But don't worry, Canada. We're gonna snuggle up tight with our allies... President Trump will protect us from the Yellow Peril, at least if we spend a few more billions on US war-making technology.

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