Sunday, August 16, 2020

White House 2020 puppet show off and running!

Everything before now was just warm-up laps. Now that Kamala is aboard, it's showtime!

In the Blue corner, Lunchpail Joe, man of the people! Champion of American Exceptionalism! Staunch friend and ally of big money, the military, and Israel.

In the Red corner, actor, author, and serial bankrupt Donny J, man of the people! Champion of American Exceptionalism! Staunch friend and ally of big money, the military, and Israel.

On the face of things, there's not much to choose. But that's why the US election cycle has become a multi-billion dollar industry; to convince the rubes that it makes a difference who they vote for. Thousands of hacks and flacks and carny barkers of all stripes are billing PACs and pols on both sides top scale to foster the illusion that your vote matters.

That's what democracy has become in America.

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