Monday, August 3, 2020

The politicisation of water levels in the Great Lakes

You don't hear anything about it on your mainstream national media, but water levels in the Great Lakes are at crisis levels.

As in, if the water comes up another two feet, my local town of Wiarton will lose both its marina and its public boat launch, not to mention a good slice of houses in "the flats." My estimate is that water levels have come up about five feet over the past five years. If the trend continues, Wiarton and many other waterfront communities in Ontario, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota will be facing disaster.

Which is odd, considering that the Great Lakes water level is a matter of politics rather than a question of climate change. All the politicians have to do is open the spigots at Niagara Falls.

Problem solved!

But here's the rub.

The long term agenda on the US side has always been to divert Great Lakes water to the US southwest.

That's nothing but bad news to environmentalists everywhere.

But, when your downtown is eroding into Lake Huron, you'll soon enough beg the US Army Corps of Engineers to divert that excess Great Lakes water to the parched agribusiness plantations of California.

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