Monday, August 3, 2020

Only war can save us now

Just like the WWII saved capitalism seventy-five years ago.

This is not then, of course. Capitalism has become bolder. Every major institution has been suborned to the dictates of the oligarchs. Corporations are people too; they're the people who have risen to the top of the heap.

Anybody who is not a corporation knows that corporations are not people, regardless of what the Supreme Court says. They are owned and operated by actual real human beings. These are the people to whom we ascribe the "one-percenter" label.

These are the folks who have wrangled the so-called pandemic into an excuse to loot the public purse as never before in history.

The public purse has never been this deep underwater in history. Ever.

The bulk of hundreds of billions, nay, trillions, flowing out of the various "covid assistance" scams are going to the one percenters. The oligarchs are adding billions to their net worth while millions are threatened with eviction from their homes.

If you were to let this thread run its course, it could only end one way; revolution.

Unless, of course, the nation had to go to war. War changes everything.

Pompeo is hard at work on that file as I type these words.

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