Tuesday, March 16, 2021

CBC recycles US propaganda, calls it news

Here is just one sentence from today's CBC by way of Reuters scoop on Putin's hanky-panky in the 2020 US election.

"Biden, a Democrat, defeated Trump, a Republican, and became president on January 20."

Thanks for that. I'm not in grade two, but thanks for that.

So we get the usual evidence-free speculation from America's vaunted "intelligence community," and I know you'll be totally gobsmacked to learn that PUTIN DID IT AGAIN!!!

Yup, Bad Vlad done diddled US democracy again, dammit!

It's time to yank that authoritarian dictators leash! Put him in his place! Give the Russian people the freedom and human rights they yearn for!

You know, the usual bullshit. And of course, the Towelheads 'o Terror, aka the ayatollahs, were busy making mischief as well. 

But this is what's actually newsworthy about the report; although apparently nobody at Thomson-Reuters or CBC picked up on it, the Deep State PR Department just signalled they're willing to cut China some slack.

 Conspiracy connoisseurs will immediately tie that tidbit in to those baseless rumours that the Biden Family is looking to not only protect their interests there, but to grow and consolidate them. That's just disinformation, designed to draw the eye away from what's really going on.

The China-Iran-Russia Axis of Fuck-you Uncle Sam is getting a little worrisome for the DC crowd. This non-story is part of an orchestrated campaign to disrupt that alliance. The reason we need to peel China away from the rest of the triumvirate is because China is where a whole lot of American billionaires have parked their investment dollars.


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