Monday, March 29, 2021

When the story starts with "suspected Russian hackers" you know you're reading bullsh!t

I clicked on a CBC headline that told me Russian hackers had infiltrated the email system at the US Department of Homeland Security.

The first word in the story is "suspected."

Oh. So they don't actually know this to be true. But they're floating this story anyway, because, Putin.

You know, Putin's aggression and all that. Look how he persecutes those punk rock icons, Pussy Riot. Look at how he persecutes freedom and corruption fighters Bill Browder and Alexei Navalny. Look at how he grabbed that Crimean naval base right out from under the noses of the Americans.

Clearly, Putin must be stopped.

Therefore, even if we have absolutely nothing to definitively connect Russia to the SolarWinds hack, here's a bit of official speculation to get you headed in the right direction.

Perhaps by next week Bellingcat will have come up with the proof!

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