Saturday, March 13, 2021

Just like a young girl should? When will the PC Police bust the Rolling Stones?

In my estimation, never.

Check out this video of a Stones show from 2015. Then, look up the lyrics to Brown Sugar. Then, watch the video again. There's more black folks in the band than in the audience.

Maybe that's because lyrics about a slaver whipping a black girl isn't something they need to hear.

So what's up with those black musicians sharing the stage? Are they a bunch of Uncle Toms? They'll tell you they love touring with the world's most famous rock and roll band and are handsomely compensated for their troubles, but that's probably just false consciousness talking.

There's a reason the PC cops haven't got to the Rolling Stones yet. They've become too big to fell. Knighthoods and hundreds of millions of dollars have made them cultural icons immune to PC opprobrium, at least for now.

But that could change. If Harry and the Missus succeed in convincing their adoring base that they are victims of Royal Family Racism, well, a knighthood's gonna be more of a liability than an honour.

I know a retired math teacher who's been to eight live shows, and health permitting, he'll go to the next one too when they tour again. He, and not the street-fighting men, are the Rolling Stones' base now.

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