Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Where's the scientific evidence that lockdowns work?

Big Doug was advising us today that we shouldn't make plans for Easter weekend. The national propaganda network was simultaneously advising us that the pandemic in Ontario is "completely out of control."

So you know what's coming. 

The world has been playing the lock-down game for a year now, and the more you look at the comparative stats, the less certain you will be about the efficacy of lockdowns. 

That's due mainly to the entire pandemic event having become a highly politicized cultural touchstone. For example, compare the pandemic stats among the four most populous states. Two of them are Republican, two or them are Democrat. True to every cliched expectation, the Republican states are open for business, while the Dem states are masked up and locked down.

There is absolutely nothing in the numbers that can definitively tell you lockdowns work, but there is plenty that suggests they don't make any difference whatsoever.

Which makes sense to me.

Why would the virus care if you're a Dem or a Republican?

And why would the virus care if you wear a mask or not? You're still breathing the same air!

Anyway, Big Doug is gonna push whatever small businesses are still afloat under the water again. 

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